Title:shu uemura Stage Performer Block Booster Base Make Up Fresh Pink 30mLTHE BEST COSMETICS AWARDS of 2016.Stage performer block:booster instantly protects the skin by blocking harsh environmental elements while moisturizing the skin. block:booster holds moisture within the gel, preventing it from evaporating and it then transfers this moisture to boost hydration and create the ideal conditions for makeup.Blocks:1) environmental pollution - studies have shown that 10% more pollution particles are removed from the skin with block:booster compared to non-treated skin after rinsing with water.2) UV rays - contains SPF50PA+++ /30mLBoosts:1) moisture level within skin for 24 hours - block:booster holds moisture within the gel, preventing it from evaporating. it then transfers this moisture to boost hydration and to create the ideal conditions for makeupCorrects:- neutralizes skin tones, offsets the skin's dullness while evening skin tone. the three asian tailored shades enhance transparency and brightens skintone.
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